Thanks to wide-stretched hunting grounds surrounding this stately mansion in the heart of Mecklenburg Switzerland, Burg Schlitz can look back on a long tradition of game dishes.
It is not uncommon that hunting guests return with rich prey which is to be expertly carved and prepared. No problem for chef Sabine Teubler. She has quite a knack for game, whipping up again and again new venison-dishes onto the plates of our hotel guests.
Step by step she has acquired her profound and stunning knowledge of everything what may show up in front of a sporting gun. Day by day new challenges are to be mastered by this trained cook. Pheasants and ducks, royal stags, tender little roe deer and an abundance of wild boar have already been bestowed on her. Gratefully she has accepted everything and mastered her job with flying colours. Her results are convincing, speak for themselves and leave no margin of doubt. A flavour that makes you wish for more.
Her tips & tricks and her acquired knowledge of everything connected with game dishes Sabine Teubler gladly passes on, for example in a private cooking class. As individual as you will find everything at Burg Schlitz, just as individual are her cooking-classes.
However, there is no need to enter your name on a long list months in advance, and there are no fixed subjects, either. Whoever feels like getting a taste of Sabine Teubler’s game-kitchen simply calls and arranges a cooking appointment with our head of the kitchen. As her time permits, even a single guest is welcome to join her in her kitchen. The maximum number of participants is 16 people.
We charge per person from EUR 239.00 onwards, including – apart from all necessary preparatory work – a final menu for which you can also invite friends for an extra charge. The price also includes sweet and savoury snacks during the course as well as non-alcoholic drinks, a selection of wines, beer and our sparkling wine "Cuvée Louise". The duration of the course is 3.5 hours.